Wanted to Quit, But Drafted Off Client Stephen Williams, Seahawks WR & Won!

» Posted by on Sep 6, 2013 in Blog | Comments Off on Wanted to Quit, But Drafted Off Client Stephen Williams, Seahawks WR & Won!

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Seahawks Wide Receiver, Stephen Williams #83 Rockin’ His Personal Style Statement in J. Hilburn


Wanted to quit during my 3rd training run this morning.  REALLY wanted to quit, but choose to keep my eye on the prize.  The Seattle ½ Marathon is less than 3 months away and I’m just getting started.

What did I do?  I drafted off my past experiences of busting through obstacles to WIN vs. QUIT…and on the mind-set of others I admire.

Since working with Hawks WR, Stephen Williams, on building his J. Hilburn wardrobe I’ve come to glean from his peak performer attitude.  When he gave my husband, nephew, and I a tour at the VMAC a couple of weeks ago, among other things I asked him, “How did you get to where you are”…and “How do you so effortlessly catch those long passes?”

He told me playing football was a dream of his since he was a kid.  He had vision.

When Williams was in school (think it was college) he would “….try to get an extra 200 catches in after practice.”  He wanted to hone his skills & master his craft- so he did whatever it took to…be better.  Stephen said it didn’t matter – he would ask kids, coaches, other guys on the team…whoever would, to throw to him before he headed home.

aim-high“In the long run, you hit what you aim at, so aim high.” – Thoreau


That conversation was during Training Camp.  Clearly his peak performer & winning mind-set paid off as he made the team ( I knew he would :-))!  …He had vision, prepared his mind-set and his body, and kept his eye on the prize.

 …Certainly my ½ marathon is nothing like Stephen’s vision, but it’s my vision.  I want to WIN by crossing the finish line.  If I want to win I must prepare my mind, body, and soul….and there’s no room for quitting.

So inspiring to me to see anyone overcome obstacles to achieve goals & live out their dreams, I channeled Stephen’s “200 catches” one catch at a time, and continued to run one step at a time.  Before I knew it, I DID IT!  …Thanks Stephen, you continue to inspire on and off the field!

Anyhoo…What choices do you make when *you* want to quit:  Taking ownership of your professional presence & style, honing your personal brand, achieving your goals & vision? How can you re-frame your mind-set so you can take your next winning step and live the life you really want to live?  If need be, who can you draft off?

Happy Fashion Friday & here’s to your best *inside-out* you!


from the “Inside-Out”, Kim

Desire more?

Kim (Crumpler) Peterson is Founder of Uniquely Savvy, Inc and is a veteran Personal Style & Branding Coach, Wardrobe Stylist, J. Hilburn Custom Menswear Style Consultant, Co-author, and Speaker.  With a commitment to excellence (not perfection!), Kim delivers results and is passionate about helping men & women BE comfortable and confident in their own skin, step more into their potential, and attract more of who and what they truly want in life! Kim invites you to: Join the conversation on Uniquely Savvy’s Facebook business page, call her for a free phone consultation, or book her to speak at your upcoming event. Available for keynotes, workshops, seminars, and girlfriend parties, the programs your audience will love range from personal style, to professional image and branding. Additionally, Kim co-authored, “Incredible Life: Top Experts Reveal How to Create Yours”, and speaks to a variety of audiences on personal empowerment – bringing inspirational messages of hope and sharing practical tips and tools learned on her inside-out, “From Fear to Freedom” journey. Contact Kim @ 425.503.9885.