Team Uniquely Savvy Spreadin’ Some Holiday Cheer!

» Posted by on Dec 18, 2013 in Blog | Comments Off on Team Uniquely Savvy Spreadin’ Some Holiday Cheer!



Blog 1
A Full Sleigh of Helping Hands (45 pairs!) to Serve Christmas Dinner @ Mary’s Place

 People have asked me why I serve?

That’s easy….I’ve experienced being homeless in my late 20’s, on food stamps and living in condemned housing as a child, and in need of support from those who could help -and those close to me have also been a part of this demographic. I’m thankful I wasn’t invisible to (every) body as this population sometimes is, and today I’m honored to be able to give back out of the blessings I have been given. That said, I love serving alongside like-minded folks during the holidays and beyond….

Big gratitude to our team of Helping Hands: Christmas Dinner for Mary’s Place in Seattle volunteers!…We had a full sleigh of 45 volunteers.  Their time, service, and smiles -go so much further than they might think….One woman said, “THANK YOU! This is like Christmas with family only….better!”

Blog 4

 ***A meaningful summary was beautifully written by Kelsey Foster, a volunteer on our team….I’d like to share it with you:

Today was our second time volunteering at Mary’s Place serving holiday meals to homeless families and individuals (we served Thanksgiving too). It is such an amazing organization that serves so many people. Today the kids and I (along with my friend Audrey) had a table of eight we managed. We had probably four rotations/seatings with us. Some really sweet people, we enjoyed some laughs, conversation, and heartfelt hugs. I even walked away with a love poem from one gentleman. Along with the meal, each person received a gift card for Payless Shoes, a hat/glove/scarf set, and the little girls were given pretty holiday dresses. Later this afternoon they were prepping for the Santa Store where people could “shop” for gifts to give. This experience not only feels good, it serves as a huge reminder that many of us are really just one paycheck away from dire circumstances. A lot of us are blessed with family and friends and a solid safety net so we wouldn’t end up on the streets. However, some simply aren’t as lucky. I am so humbled and inspired by people and organizations who are there to help give that safety net to those who need it. Thank you to Kim Peterson for organizing our group and to my friends in service Audrey  Godwin, Yuiet Ireland, Heidi Beavin Ihde (and Dylan), Mary Boisselle and many more friendly folks!

Happy Holidays!— at Mary’s Place.

Blog 5
If you’d like to join us now or in the future, we would love to have you consider completing one of our volunteer teams!  Tomorrow from 12:45 PM – 5:00 PM we will be serving the folks at the Kirkland Hopelink Food/Gift Bank.  We’ll be helping parents and grandparents gift shop on location…..Call me if you’d like to join us 425.503.9885!

from the “Inside-Out”, Kim

Desire more?

Kim (Crumpler) Peterson is Founder of Uniquely Savvy, Inc and is a veteran Personal Style & Branding Coach, Wardrobe Stylist, J. Hilburn Custom Menswear Style Consultant, Co-author, and Speaker.  With a commitment to excellence (not perfection!), Kim delivers results and is passionate about helping men & women BE comfortable and confident in their own skin, step more into their potential, and attract more of who and what they truly want in life! Kim invites you to: Join the conversation on Uniquely Savvy’s Facebook business page, call her for a free phone consultation, or book her to speak at your upcoming event. Available for keynotes, workshops, seminars, and girlfriend parties, the programs your audience will love range from personal style, to professional image and branding. Additionally, Kim co-authored, “Incredible Life: Top Experts Reveal How to Create Yours”, and speaks to a variety of audiences on personal empowerment – bringing inspirational messages of hope and sharing practical tips and tools learned on her inside-out, “From Fear to Freedom” journey. Contact Kim @ 425.503.9885.