3 Key Personal Brand Ingredients Needed in Leadership

» Posted by on Jun 1, 2018 in Blog | 0 comments

Authenticity.  Empathy. Self-Awareness.

Are you incorporating these attributes and values into your personal brand and online presence?

Interviewed Tuula Rytyla, Coroporate VP of Microsoft Digital Stores, for my presentation at the National Association of Women with MBAs conference and career fair in Chicago last fall and thought you might be interested to glean.

YOU are your brand, everybody has a personal brand!

The brand called you includes your story, unique value of contribution, skills, talents, personality, character, vision values, goals…wardrobe, appearance, etiquette and so much more. Clients, colleagues, prospects – friends and family -experience the brand called you through every interaction you offer.

On a scale of 1-10, how would your rate the effectiveness of your personal brand – online and off?

Are you ready to holistically & authentically package & position yourself for:

  1. Increased Confidence, Personal Effectiveness, and Leadership?
  2. Differentiation in the Market Place?
  3. Accelerated & Game-Changing Success?

Uniquely Savvy offers a complete portfolio of image consulting services to help you reach maximum potential including personal brand and style analysis,  body and color analysis, wardrobe analysis, personal shopping, and virtual style consulting.

Entrepreneurs, leaders and emerging leaders tend to work with me when:

  • They want NO MORE CONFUSION about how to get seen and heard – for all the right reasons- SO THEY CAN ATTRACT MORE of the RIGHT CLIENTS & OPPORTUNITIES!
  • They are SICK and TIRED of wasting time, money and frustration on mistaken wardrobe purchases
  • They want to SPEAK with more CONFIDENCE & CLARITY
  • They CAN’T IMAGINE…getting passed over again for the promotion or leadership role they’ve always wanted.
  • They want to RECLAIM… their AUTHENTIC identity, MAXIMIZE TALENTS and LEAD with their unique genius vs. live another day comparing themselves to others.

Results are delivered across (3) platforms by which clients are equipped to (S)PEAK, (E)NGAGE, (L)OOK & (L)IVE OUT LOUD in a clear, focused & empowered way:

  1. Image Consulting, Personal Styling & Shopping
  2. Authentic Personal Brand Building
  3. Keynote Presentations & Workshops

Please let me know how I can serve you or someone you know, now or in the future.

(Next personal workshop to learn how to package & position the brand called YOU – June 6th 2018: https://tinyurl.com/y8bcv72s )

Champion YOUr authentic personal brand and live your vision of success!


Tirelessly & decisively championing YOUr confident personal brand, identity & style breakthroughs for game-changing success in business & in life.
Be the Total Package, Kim


cropped-Kimgreatinpink.jpgKim Peterson works with professionals just like you who are serious about “no more excuses” and want to elevate above the status quo so you can differentiate yourself in the marketplace, achieve greater success with greater ease, and make a bigger impact in the world while attracting more of who and what your really want in business and in life!

As a Personal Brand/Style Consultant & Author/Speaker Kim takes a holistic, customized, and detail oriented approach to working with individuals, teams & organizations who desire to:

Stand Out in a Crowded Market

Elevate Their Influence & Leadership

Achieve Aligned, Confident & Inspired Style

• Gain Clarity Around Their Vision, Values & Goals

Create Impactful Elevator Pitches to Achieve More Wins

BE Their Best Selves – Authentically Empowered & Aligned from the Inside-Out

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