On the Power of Vision…

» Posted by on Dec 10, 2014 in Blog | Comments Off on On the Power of Vision…



On the Power of Vision

So….woke up this morning just so flat out grateful to have had a personal vision of success in 2014. Why? Because this year has been a rough one, a fantastic one in many ways – but rough just the same! To set the stage, let’s just say that in January alone I experienced about 7 hearty punches to the gut (that’s extraordinarily unusual) which spanned across all the circles of life……That was just January!

Nonetheless, I’m keeping my eye on the prize and am living out my values based goals while riding the roller coaster of life. Can honestly say I’m glad I got clear on my vision prior to the crazy and had my vision boards in sight to remember in the dark what I learned to be true in the light. Mindset is everything…..

Grateful to have stayed the course and have been enriched to overflowing -wouldn’t change a thing…except, I suppose, the aches re my family situation…But even in those tears and that continued process of love – I believe the capacity for (life) grew for each of us 3, I know how to love and pray more clearly, and I just know D and my experience of him/with him – flat out made me a better woman. What an unexpected gift he was and is to me…..

How about you? How have you stayed the course throughout the ups and downs of the year?

#KeepYourEyeonThePrize and make it a great day, XO


425.503.9885 ~ kim@uniquelysavvy.com

Kim (Crumpler) Peterson is Founder of Uniquely Savvy, Inc and is a veteran Personal Style & Branding Coach, Wardrobe Stylist, J. Hilburn Custom Menswear Style Consultant, Co-author, and Speaker.  With a commitment to excellence (not perfection!), Kim delivers results and is passionate about helping men & women BE comfortable and confident in their own skin, step more into their potential, and attract more of who and what they truly want in life! Kim invites you to: Join the conversation on Uniquely Savvy’s Facebook business page, call her for a free phone consultation, or book her to speak at your upcoming event. Available for keynotes, workshops, seminars, and girlfriend parties, the programs your audience will love range from personal style and professional image and branding, to success, hope and freedom. Additionally, Kim co-authored, “Incredible Life: Top Experts Reveal How to Create Yours”, and speaks to a variety of audiences on personal empowerment – bringing inspirational messages of hope and sharing practical tips and tools learned on her inside-out, “From Fear to Freedom” journey. Contact Kim @ 425.503.9885.