It’s Time: Finding My Courage, Going Deeper & Taking a Leap of Faith

» Posted by on Jun 12, 2014 in Blog | Comments Off on It’s Time: Finding My Courage, Going Deeper & Taking a Leap of Faith



Going Deeper
Uniquely Savvy community….We’re goin’ deeper because it’s about so much more than just our looks and our clothes!

Ack!  Giving that talk at the LEXI Leadership Summit on Challenging the Lies, Championing the Truth – as per usual- has been challenging me on being more “true” and fearless (feeling the fear and doing it anyway) re my coaching, consulting and training on inside-out personal style and branding.  (LEXI video coming soon….).  That talk took a candid look at the lies women are told by the media, themselves, and others and challenged participants to dig deep to find and champion truth.

What’s important about this work?  Ladies, if we do not break free from the lies that keep us imprisoned we will never be able to step into the fullness of the women we were designed to be, or be the effective leaders we want to be.

Truth is, I have a multitude of personal development thoughts and anecdotes in a day.  Thoughts from myself and others who have supported /challenged me into deeper levels of true essence, expression, and style….but I haven’t been courageous enough to share many of them….until now.

Why not?



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  First off, it requires me to be more vulnerable and transparent because much of what I’m finding to be of value comes not only from the experience of others, but my own good, bad, and ugly experiences.  Second, I am afraid you will think that I think that I know it all, that I have arrived.  *Challenge that lie.*  I haven’t arrived.  My way isn’t the “right” way and I’m not even asking you to agree with me.  …But challenge the lie if/when you or others begin to judge my “WHY” for being more bold in my sharing.  The truth is there are things on my heart to share for the betterment of myself and those in our community who also have a goal of evolving into more authentic, liberated (and stylish) versions of themselves.  …The call to get more after it has been bubbling up inside for some time, I feel the time has come, and I don’t want to lead from a place of fear so I get to exercise my courage.  This is what it looks like to be a *champion* of myself first so that I can truly champion others.  ….Not easy, but I’m doin’ it anyway.

Courage Comes Through a Process
I wouldn’t say courage comes easily to me.  One month ago someone said, “Not everyone is going to like what you have to say.  Just say it.”  Well, I already know this to be true….I’ve walked this road quite a ways already yet it was a timely reminder that I’ve been marinating and building on.

Uniquely Savvy has evolved over the last 14 years as I have evolved -by experiencing an organic process of taking personal and professional risks while staying true to the core philosophy and mission of the business. That said, I get to acknowledge that not everybody has the same developmental goal nor will everybody be in alignment with my growing transparency and discerning vulnerability.  (My friend Debbie put it more bluntly in a post, “You do know that some people have no desire to change…..focus on the ones ready to do the work, you’ll be glad you did”.  Additionally, I’m aware that if it’s this difficult for me to find my courage, it will likely be difficult for others to show up with their courage too….but…I’m looking for those people!

Who’s with me?

(A private conversation after an online post led to, “Thank you so much for sharing.  We need this and it is so helpful…..Yes, it takes so much courage just to offer a “like” let alone a comment or ask a question….I want to know more, learn more but what will people think of  me if I leave a comment?  I feel vulnerable and I don’t want to be misunderstood”  …..I get it fully.  Shame or embarrassment, not wanting to be judged or misjudged had silenced me for most of my life…. )

I realize some some of you may choose to leave our Uniquely Savvy community and that’s okay (this has never been a popularity contest for me – there will always be someone more popular).  I’m just really ready to find like-minded people to grow with, learn from, and serve -and it’s gotta be deeper than the affirmations we get from how we look, the pictures we post, the clothes we wear, etc.  It’s about a conscious connection, discovery, and celebration of authentic essence with self and others as we step more into our purpose and potential.


Part II:  Leap of Faith

….I’ve had this blog written for almost a month now.  It’s been a month filled with some tears and growing pains one small step-at-a-time as I’ve been challenging my own lies, championing my own truth, and wrestling to find my #fearless.

As I’ve come to believe that people are craving more sustenance for the (sometimes weary) journey of life, I’ve come to understand that when I’m able to share more vulnerably from my own experience, healing, and growth people are benefiting in their own journey as well.  This makes pushing *publish* worth it.  Though taking this next step in courage feels terribly uncomfortable it’s become even *more* uncomfortable for me to stay where I am.  To remain tight in a bud is too painful….The fight is waning and the day has come for me to take a leap of faith to be more transparently available to individuals, groups, and teams who are desiring more empowered coaching and messages -still to include style /personal branding- and also to include topics under the umbrellas of fear, freedom, and hope.

I’m in deep gratitude to those who’ve shown “deep dive” support online, email, PM, or text….You truly help me to be brave and I think of you all of the time….Some of you have been specifically instrumental:  Coaches Elise Touchette, Shandel Slaten and Jeneatte Winters,  Carol Schultz,  Molly Baker, Ali McKerlich, Sabrina Geldmacher, Ali Crawford, Mary Pat Cheng, Jodi Tvedt, Renee Bauer, and Girls on Fire.  But by grace I go.

With another gulp, XO…..Happy fashion and freedom Friday!

from the “Inside-Out”, Kim

Desire more?

Kim (Crumpler) Peterson is Founder of Uniquely Savvy, Inc and is a veteran Personal Style & Branding Coach, Wardrobe Stylist, J. Hilburn Custom Menswear Style Consultant, Co-author, and Speaker.  With a commitment to excellence (not perfection!), Kim delivers results and is passionate about helping men & women BE comfortable and confident in their own skin, step more into their potential, and attract more of who and what they truly want in life! Kim invites you to: Join the conversation on Uniquely Savvy’s Facebook business page, call her for a free phone consultation, or book her to speak at your upcoming event. Available for keynotes, workshops, seminars, and girlfriend parties, the programs your audience will love range from personal style, to professional image and branding. Additionally, Kim co-authored, “Incredible Life: Top Experts Reveal How to Create Yours”, and speaks to a variety of audiences on personal empowerment – bringing inspirational messages of hope and sharing practical tips and tools learned on her inside-out, “From Fear to Freedom” journey. Contact Kim @ 425.503.9885.