Have you stumbled into a life not expected, not imagined? Ready to get on track and take charge?

» Posted by on Jul 8, 2018 in Blog | 0 comments

~DURING a Red Carpet Style & Shopping Trip~

Jazzed to introduce you to one of my star clients, Deanna Nowadnick, motivational speaker and inspirational writer, and author of, “Fruit of My Spirit” and “Signs in Life”. Deanna is a woman to be reckoned with and I wanted to feature her because she exemplifies so much – for women (and men) at all stages of life.  Dreams coming true, facing fears and experiencing personal breakthroughs, leading with her natural strengths while investing in new skills to help her step into more of her unique essence and purpose, and so much more.

One of the most beautiful aspects of watching Deanna’s journey is her complete #Ownership of self, coupled with her life-giving way of sharing lessons of faith and life with the hundreds of woman she teaches, encourages, and inspires. Deanna is a “get it done”, inclusive, and beautiful invitational leader.  Her humble example truly paves the way for many.  With body chills, I say she is a #ChainBreaker among women in her generation. You can learn more about her at DeannaNowadnick.Com.


1. Why did you enlist Uniquely Savvy’s support? What were your #BEFORE obstacles?

Kim, I still remember the day I walked up to you in a business meeting with my hands on my hips, daring you to help me. You have ~ in so many ways! As a writer, I found myself stumbling and bumbling my way into a speaking life. I knew I didn’t want life to revolve around the selling of books (as delightful as they are!); I knew I wanted to connect with women in a deeper, more personal, more meaningful way, but I needed help!

2.  What goals did you desire to achieve?   

I wanted to find my true self, my true calling, my true joy as a motivational speaker. It’s very difficult motivating others if you’re not sure what’s motivating you, right? I also wanted to target my audience, pull together a powerful positioning statement, align my wardrobe, and move forward as a speaker. Can I add that I also wanted to reflect some of your clarity and confidence, your sheer joy for each day, each opportunity.

3.  How has life/business transformed during and #AFTER working with Uniquely Savvy?

“I’m an inspirational writer and a motivational speaker who loves helping us women of faith connect our delightfully ordinary stories to God’s extraordinary love and faithfulness, so we can be encouraged and empowered knowing God’s been in the details ~ always has been, always will be.” Isn’t that great! I’m an inspirational writer and a motivational speaker who can now speak boldly and with enthusiasm about my message. I think I stand taller; I sit taller in my videos, too.

4. What specific Uniquely Savvy services did you choose?

I have participated in four workshops, private coaching, and also got great styling help for a red carpet event.

  • Champion Your Signature Style

o   Came away with a positioning statement, got my wardrobe aligned, and moved forward as a motivational speaker.

  • Create, Champion and Live Your Vision of Success (2017 and 2018)

o  Set clear, measurable, and powerful goals for the new year; created Vision Boards.

  • Fear to Freedom
    • To share your quote of Anias Nin, “The day has come when the fear of staying tight in the bud is greater than the risk to stay the same.” Yep!


5.  What’s next for you?

Recently I’ve had different types of speaking opportunities. And my first response to each? “Yikes!” Leaving the fear behind (yep, that “Fear to Freedom” workshop!), I said “Yes!” to the filming of a new FAVE Lifestyles web series called “Fireside Chats.” I said “Yes!” to putting together a day-long women’s retreat. We stood with Moses at the burning bush and walked to the Promised Land. I also said “Yes!” to a group of women who asked for help engaging with their community, working through challenges never expected, never imagined.

I love my inspirational opportunities. I love filming silly moments that connect to bigger, more important lessons in life. But I’m ready to meet with women’s groups, who like me, want to have bigger, more candid conversations about life in the world today. I know! A venti order, for sure! I want to help us change the discourse, change the tone of our discussions, change the way we come together to solve problems, both big and small. I’m ready to sow seeds of hope in fields of challenge. I truly believe we can do it all one conversation at a time with #WordsOfLovingKindness (#WOLK). I know! Sounds a little naïve, but I believe in us and I believe in what we can do together!

6.Share a fun or interesting fact about yourself, we know you have one!

I play the violin, one of those hidden talents that, honestly, should remain hidden at times! Why? Because this second round with my instrument started after a 35-year break. I have mornings that are rather beautiful; others not so much! Really, not so much!

7.  Tell us something about working with Coach Kim that doesn’t meet the eye!  

Kim pays attention. She listens carefully. She asks thoughtful questions.  Did I say that she listens carefully? And then she remembers. Good grief! I can’t remember breakfast some mornings, yet she’ll remember my answers to a goal-setting conversation more clearly than I can. And I’ve got the notes in front of me!  Kim is the real deal. I’ve never worked with a consultant before, never “invested” in myself. Knowing that life will continue to unfold in so many different ways, I love having Kim as part of my professional team. I hope I don’t sound condescending when I say that she truly is the champion she says she is!

Tirelessly & decisively championing YOUr confident personal brand, identity & style breakthroughs for game-changing success in business & in life. Be the Total Package, Kim XO


cropped-Kimgreatinpink.jpgKim Peterson works with professionals just like you who are serious about “no more excuses” and want to elevate above the status quo so you can differentiate yourself in the marketplace, achieve greater success with greater ease, and make a bigger impact in the world while attracting more of who and what your really want in business and in life!

As a Personal Brand/Style Consultant & Author/Speaker Kim takes a holistic, customized, and detail oriented approach to working with individuals, teams & organizations who desire to:

Stand Out in a Crowded Market

Elevate Their Influence & Leadership

Achieve Aligned, Confident & Inspired Style

• Gain Clarity Around Their Vision, Values & Goals

Create Impactful Elevator Pitches to Achieve More Wins

BE Their Best Selves – Authentically Empowered & Aligned from the Inside-Out

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