A Message of Hope: The Power of Story

» Posted by on Dec 8, 2014 in Blog, Inspirational | Comments Off on A Message of Hope: The Power of Story


Are you in need of a good word?

Was wiped out by an unexpected conversation of timely encouragement yesterday.  The bottom line?  Modern day miracles that come in many forms continue to happen, and yesterday one came in the shape of a divinely orchestrated conversation.  I believe we just need to show up, be open, and *listen* with our hearts….the rest always seems to unfold the way it’s supposed to.  …This will be vague, but the encouragement is there for you if you need it.

….I was at a Seahawks party for a short bit yesterday, catching up with people I hadn’t connected with in a while.  This woman and I moved past the “How have you been?” chatter and she later asked about my nephew after reading my blog that he went back to Cali.  I didn’t offer full disclosure, but she then started sharing a story from a speaker she heard at a conference for nurses.

It simply made the tears pour, just as they are now.

The details were aligned with the details I hadn’t fully shared and it offered gigantic hope.  You see this 50 yr old women (speaker) had shared about how a teacher in school “stopped for her” to help her in her situation, just as a grownup had done for him when he was young.  He told her she would need to “stop” for another in this specific situation later in life too.  No doubt, with his support, she rose above circumstances and today has “stopped” for many and has adopted 12 kids with various needs.  Someone “saw” her, kindly spoke hard-to- hear truth into her situation, and kindly helped her get the help she needed.

My heart aches for the kids who need to be “seen”…  I hope that someone (we) will see them in the ways they need to be seen -and we have to look far deeper than appearances.

…..That someone out of the blue “stopped” for her, moved into action, and stood in the gap for her as a teen offered me great hope. That story reminded me of a few things.

1.  It is so important that we find courage to share our stories because they offer experience, encouragement, inspiration, or hope….for others.  Our stories of overcoming – are not just for ourselves.  Just think if this speaker didn’t share….And what if my friend didn’t gently keep present in a conversation I wasn’t initially prepared to go deeper with?  Look at the “gift that keeps on giving” in that story……..I needed that more than I even knew.

2.  The Divine is always at work even when I can’t see what’s going on.  Clearly it was “known”, what  I so desperately needed to hear and a gal I hadn’t spoken with for a couple of years was used to give me a message of hope.

Do you need hope this holiday season?  …..Are you surrounding yourself with positive people, perhaps grasping a truth in a song, or reading blogs, posts, or books that encourage you?  I know there’s a good word for you too, be still for it!

…..If you’re overflowing with hope and cheer, are you *seeing* those around you who need to be seen?   Let us look with our hearts and if we sense a nudge, respond.  No matter how small, no act of kindness is ever wasted.

Thank you Lori Trzaska for such a gift as this….and for the invite Mary Guenther, who knew?  …There is such power in STORY!



425.503.9885 ~ kim@uniquelysavvy.com

Kim (Crumpler) Peterson is Founder of Uniquely Savvy, Inc and is a veteran Personal Style & Branding Coach, Wardrobe Stylist, J. Hilburn Custom Menswear Style Consultant, Co-author, and Speaker.  With a commitment to excellence (not perfection!), Kim delivers results and is passionate about helping men & women BE comfortable and confident in their own skin, step more into their potential, and attract more of who and what they truly want in life! Kim invites you to: Join the conversation on Uniquely Savvy’s Facebook business page, call her for a free phone consultation, or book her to speak at your upcoming event. Available for keynotes, workshops, seminars, and girlfriend parties, the programs your audience will love range from personal style and professional image and branding, to success, hope and freedom. Additionally, Kim co-authored, “Incredible Life: Top Experts Reveal How to Create Yours”, and speaks to a variety of audiences on personal empowerment – bringing inspirational messages of hope and sharing practical tips and tools learned on her inside-out, “From Fear to Freedom” journey. Contact Kim @ 425.503.9885.