A Holistic Approach to Fashion Freedom for Moms!

» Posted by on Apr 2, 2015 in Blog, Events, Women | Comments Off on A Holistic Approach to Fashion Freedom for Moms!



Uniquely Savvy was honored to share the program “Moving From Fashion Fear to Freedom” with a lovely group of moms at Overlake Church.  We took a holistic – mind, body, and soul approach and the room was buzzin’, truly from the inside-out!

Thank you MamaCon for gifting 2 moms admission to what’s sure to be a fabulous  weekend of pampering!…Rachel, Anna, Kim, and Dene (from social media), I took your suggestions and the moms loved that the inspiration came from YOU, real mamas-on-the- go!  ….Thank you ladies for being a part of inspiring and educating moms during this important, rewarding, yet time consuming station in life!


So many sprinkled tips, but here were a few…outside of all the fashion ones:


  • MIND TIP:  Self-care isn’t an option, it’s imperative to having capacity to bring your best to your family and your kids!….Where can you carve out 10 or 15 minutes a day just for you?  That said, on some days, who has time even for a shower?!  When I had my nephew in our care, I soon learned this and then found this trick:  Before he got home from school and my hubby home from work….I shopped my closet and got “dressed”!  This elevated my mood, shifted my mindset and was an easy way to honor to my family (though I might have been in sweats all day!)  Self-care doesn’t have to cost money or be extravagant….In what small ways can you serve yourself so you can best serve your family?  A nap when the baby naps?  A quick walk around the block?  Meditation time in the morn before anyone rises?  (I find that now, even though it’s just me and my husband…I’ll pretend I’m still asleep in the morning and just lay there in the quiet for 10 or so minutes -to meditate, pray, or simply to “care”fully ease into the day before the reality of….life hits!)


  • BODY TIP:  Figure out if you have a long torso and short legs or vs. vice versa.  Get this down and you can cut the shopping time you don’t have dramatically down!  BONUS:  Feeling overwhelmed?  Get your body movi’n!…A short walk around the block or even around the house will get your endorphins going which will support your mental and emotional health. …Even the little action steps count.


  • SOUL TIP:  Remember….by design, YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made, worthy of celebration! Stop comparing yourself to others and celebrate the uniqueness of you!  🙂

…And yes, there are quick and easy pieces to pick up for instant style on the go!  Think novelty sweaters for more casual affairs, a great wash-n-wear blazer to pair back to the denim silhouette of the season or slacks for dressier occasions.  And don’t forget, the easiest and quickest way to bring your mommy basics current is by adding some splash with your fave trend scarf or statement jewelry! Now more than ever every body, with any shape – on any budget can look as fabulous, practical (wash and wear) and fashionable as they want to look!

What mind, body, and soul tips have helped you with your sense of fashion freedom?


425.503.9885 ~ kim@uniquelysavvy.com

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Kim (Crumpler) Peterson is Founder of Uniquely Savvy, Inc and is a Champion of People who have a conscious connection to wanting to BE their best and dress their best to align from the inside-out!  Kim works with individuals, teams, and organizations to elevate authentic personal brands and style, inspire confidence, and live more empowered.  As a keynote speaker, image consultant, and personal style & branding coach, she works tirelessly, decisively and thoughtfully to bring about goal oriented solutions and results to those she serves.  You’re invited to: Join the conversation on Uniquely Savvy’s Facebook business page, call for a free phone consultation, or book Kim to educate & inspire at your next!   Available for keynotes, workshops, seminars, and girlfriend parties, the programs your participants will love range from personal style, professional image and branding, to hope, freedom, faith, and living an incredible life in spite of trauma. Kim co-authored, “Incredible Life: Top Experts Reveal How to Create Yours”.  Contact Kim @ 425.503.9885.