5 Key Concepts for Building Your Authentic Personal Brand for Transformational Success

» Posted by on Jul 17, 2018 in Blog | 0 comments

Building and Championing Your Personal Brand: Your Compass to Achieving Greater Success with Greater Ease


“Mine your truth so you can own your truth, speak your truth, dress your truth and live your truth out loud in a clear, focused and empowered way.  If you take ownership of your unique genius and BE your uniquely savvy self, you will achieve greater success, confidence and fulfillment with greater ease.” – Kim Peterson

Regardless of your status or position in business, I have the secret sauce formula to help you advance with more fulfillment, confidence, and ease!



Perhaps you’re trying to climb the proverbial corporate ladder. Perhaps you are a solopreneur bringing your brilliant products and services to the world and you want to take it to the next level, but there’s a problem -and you’re not alone.

The problem:
You desire to make a bigger contribution and accelerate your levels of success but for some reason, decision makers aren’t noticing you, you find your inner confidence waning and you’re unable to gain traction.

Do you sometimes ask yourself these kinds of questions?

  • How can I get seen and heard for all the right reasons?
  • How do I maximize and align my unique strengths and talents for greater fulfillment and success?
  • How can I dress to better communicate my competence, experience and value?
  • What can I do to speak with increased confidence and clarity so my voice is heard?
  • What is my unique value of proposition and how can I convey that with clarity and consistency?
  • What are my core values and my WHY?

If yes, read on.

Personal branding is a marketing process that holistically packages you for visibility and positions you for promotion, leadership, and success by harnessing your unique genius in a clear, focused and powerful way.  …It is also a journey of self-discovery.

Uniquely Savvy’s approach to personal branding unearths and affirms your authentic brilliance in a way that positively shapes your brand’s cohesive identity and reputation.  Inner confidence is regained as this packaged identity helps you be a more effective leader, differentiates you from your competition, increases your influence and acts as a proxy when you are not around.  Ultimately it supports you in attracting the right network, career, and client opportunities.

Do you want more of that?

If YES, consider these 5 key concepts as you begin to build and champion your personal brand for business:


  1. YOU are your brand!
    More than simply your reputation, your personal brand is the sum of your unique skills, talents, abilities, character, core values, vision, personality, passion, professionalism, experience, wardrobe, and appearance – and more.
  2. Your personal brand message is always being communicated both verbally and non-verbally -online and off! For ease in understanding, consider this:  You tell others who you are and what your brand represents through the way you SPEAK, ENGAGE, LOOK and LIVE out loud…in the boardroom, at the water cooler, in client meetings, networking, and YES, even in the parking lot.

What experience do you want others to have of YOU as your brand? Below are some tips to help you elevate the brand experience you offer clients, management, colleagues, and your community:

Speak with confidence and impact by designing an authentic, clear, and cohesive elevator speech that articulates who you serve, the value you represent and the and the results you deliver.

(E)NGAGE– Remain in integrity to who you say you are. Consistently doing what you say you will do, acting in a manner that is professional and upholding your brand’s expressed values will inspire trust and confidence in prospects, clients, decision makers and beyond.

(L)OOK – Because YOU are your brand, consider your wardrobe, appearance, and marketing collateral as your “brand packaging”. Does the language of your look accurately communicate the right message?  If not, what might you add, change, modify or create? (…Have you watched Amy Cuddy’s TED talk on body language?)

(L)IVE – Showcase your skills and lead with strengths by aligning yourself with the right organizational roles and volunteer opportunities.  Hone the art of being discerning so you can say “NO” to the opportunities that really don’t align and “YES” to the opportunities that do. Put systems and boundaries in place so you can bring the best of your talents, value and energy to the brand experience others have of you.


  1. Brand Ownership Positions You to Attract Aligned: Talent, Clients & Opportunities
    Being your authentic self and aligning your values, speech, actions, and appearance accordingly will build a cohesive personal brand that will attract like-minded people and opportunities for advancement and repel nay-sayers from you.  In either case, you win.
  1. The process of personal branding supports you in regaining your confidence, provides clarity, elevates your personal effectiveness, and enters you into a positive cycle of energy, success and fulfillment.
  1. Brand Ownership Increases Your Bottom Line.

When you have taken measures to invest in and hone a “total package” approach your brand reputation likely includes being known as reliable, results oriented, confident, articulate, and as one who looks the part – to name a few.  Opposite of “faking it ‘til you make it” you’ve demonstrated consistency or mastery over key soft skills which lead to increased productivity and efficacy as a leader.  As such, you are afforded a higher salary or fee schedule and are often promoted to                      command positions.

Do you want more of any of the above?

If YES, spend a few moments to take this assessment and determine your next steps:

  • On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate yourself in terms of being in alignment with your desired personal brand identity/reputation
    and the experience you offer?
  • What would it mean to your success if you invested time, energy or targeted focus to develop just one area of your personal brand?
  • What’s next?  What one small step are you willing to commit to and take today?


Tirelessly & decisively championing YOUr confident personal brand, identity & style breakthroughs for game-changing success in business & in life.  Be the Total Package, Kim XO


cropped-Kimgreatinpink.jpgKim Peterson works with professionals just like you who are serious about “no more excuses” and want to elevate above the status quo so you can differentiate yourself in the marketplace, achieve greater success with greater ease, and make a bigger impact in the world while attracting more of who and what your really want in business and in life!

As a Personal Brand/Style Consultant & Author/Speaker Kim takes a holistic, customized, and detail oriented approach to working with individuals, teams & organizations who desire to:

Stand Out in a Crowded Market

Elevate Their Influence & Leadership

Achieve Aligned, Confident & Inspired Style

• Gain Clarity Around Their Vision, Values & Goals

Create Impactful Elevator Pitches to Achieve More Wins

BE Their Best Selves – Authentically Empowered & Aligned from the Inside-Out

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